Worship Exodus 2020
Worship Exodus is a program that signifies the move of God in this generation. From the very first edition of this outstanding program, the evidence of God’s presence and special hand upon this vision was felt, people had encounters, lives were transformed, testimonies everywhere; people giving their hearts to Christ, experiencing the love of Jesus.
These experiences have kept people constantly hungry for more of God’s glory. Therefore, we anticipate the second edition, with the evidence of the last edition still fresh in our lives, we can’t wait for the next that will be coming up this year, September 25th at the Catholic Hall located at Checkpoint, Molyko – Buea. The time is 4 PM. There shall also be a red carpet session which will commence at 2 PM.
Every single person coming to this edition should expect nothing less than a double of what we saw last year. The ministers are exactly those whom God had prepared and equipped for this season and everyone is already arming up. Do not be left behind!!!!!
#We’re getting ready for a change!! #Tell everyone!!!!